Cafe's weird song of Japan

Currently, I am moving my website from to And I'm reviewing a lot of old stuffs. Today, I happened to find a picture of Cafe da Silva and Romero Lubambo when they joined my recording project years ago.

The day of the recording of Album 'Blue Morpho', the master percussionist, Cafe da Silva, was singing in Portuguese and Japanese, and I asked Nilson Matta what Cafe was singing in Portuguese part. Nilson said 'Cafe is singing like I went to Japan and girls were beautiful and food were delicious, and random bullshits'. It seemed that Cafe improvised a song but it didn't have a form or any harmony. And he asked Romero Lubambo, who was setting up for the recording, to harmonize the weird song of Japan. The master guitarist, Mr. Lubambo, instantly caught the melody and harmonized it in some seconds. And Cafe was very happy singing 'arigato-itadakimasu......connichiwa-gochisosamadesitaaaaaa...'

Those master musicians were super relaxed until the engineer rolled the first take of the day. It was at the studio owned by a very good man, Manfred Knoop.